Over the course of the week students have learnt so many new useful vocabulary as well as developed new skill sets, explored the anglophone culture and gained an appreciation for the English language. As it was the final day, all the final points were taken, students showcased what they learned and prizes were distributed. Here are some highlights from day 5
On Monday students took their first skipping score. Today if they skipped at least 10 more times than their first skipping score they contributed a total of 50 points to their team. Pictured above are the Otters – Jade, Assia and Marie – of group 1.
The Beavers of group 1 skipping while the Otters count.
Students of group 2 putting the final touches on their Easter hats. They worked extremely hard on getting their hats ready for the show adding pom poms, pipe cleaners, paint and glitter, which are also all new words that they learnt.
Monopoly was such a great game. Students were negotiating to buy or sell their assets. This game was perfect to get students applying all of the vocabulary they learnt.
Here are the final products. Students of group 2 with their beautifully decorated hats and logbooks.
Hats of all of the campers.
The show began at 3PM. Students began by singing the Jack n’ Jill anthem.
Group 1 sang both « London’s Buning » and « Row row row your boat ».
Group 2 sang « I’ll be there » by the Jackson 5.
Students of group 1 performing their dance choreography.
Group 2 doing the Jerusalem line dance.
The fantastic ad’ made by Group 2! Here is a the link to the commercial: https://youtu.be/uZ6aArIBkk0
Congratulations to Sarah of group 2. With 307 skips, she was the camper with the most skips.
Romane of group 1 had the best logbook in the camp. This category is judged on the most well written most beautifully decorated logbook.
A closer look at Romane’s logbook. Good job Romane!
For the best Easter hat we had a tie! Group 1 Assia and group 2 Sophia. They both did such a good job we had to give them both the title.
Congratulations to the Spring 2022 Champions – the Otters!
Congratulations to the Beavers for putting up a good fight.
Students with their teachers.
Otters and Beavers came together at the end for gouter before saying their final goodbye. It is evident that this week was loaded with fun and learning. Though this is the end of the Spring camp, we will be back at Jeanne d’Arc for our Summer camp in July. Registration will be available soon.