Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 Day 3
It’s only day three and students are already making noticeable progress. In the morning they are making the effort to greet each other. They know how to identify different utensils and ingredients in English to prepare their meals. Also, their curiosity for English is growing day by day. They are continuously asking how to say… Lire la suite Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 Day 3
Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 Day 4
Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 DAY 2
Rise and shine! Campers woke up with a sense of anticipation of what day 2 would bring. They met each other with warm greetings of « Good Morning! How are you? »; « I am fine and you »? As today is American day, the Beavers settled into the kitchen to prepare fluffy homemade pancakes for breakfast. They served… Lire la suite Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 DAY 2
Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 DAY 1
Today we welcomed 11 campers ages 9-15, for an amazing week filled with fun activites and games, all while learning and speaking English. We have three animators: Roger from the Bahamas on his 6th camp, Fredsal from the United States on her 5th camp and Elodie from the United Kingdom on her 8th camp!… Lire la suite Coulommiers Summer Camp 2019 DAY 1