We have reached the final day of the camp, and we have had such a fun week, filled with lots of activities and competitions! A huge thanks to all the campers who worked so hard, learnt so much English, and created so many wonderful artworks and choreographies!
C’est le moment de terminer nos grands projets de la semaine, le log book…
Our art project for this camp was making a Nature Potrait, the campers went on a nature walk to collect materials. While out and about the campers got an opportunity to play games which included a scavenger hunt and I spy.
Instructor Kerenza helps her group 1 practice for their skipping choreography, which will later be performed in the showcase. Practice makes perfect.
Today was the perfect day, it finally stopped raining and the students got a chance to do their big match outside.
The Otters won the big match with 200 points .
Emma in Group 2 is batting for her team the OTTERS.
The Otters are very enthusiastic to play Rounders, good luck to all the teams.
Fredal is such a team player she shows the campers how to correctly bat.
The moment we all have been waiting for… presenting the showcase, we get to see all the hard work the campers have put in during the week. It is show time !
It is show time and we start with Group 5’s dance – amazing!!Group 1Group 3, stands ready to perform their skipping choreography, which involves some great dancing moves.
Group 4: Jade, Eléonore and Kawther take their position for their dance battles against the boys.
Group 2
Jade leads her group with a brilliant performance .
Group 3Group 4 Group 5 (lycéens): Nesma and Océane give us a great sketch with a powerful message before leading us in singing the Price Tag medley.
Roger (manager) plays the conductor and leads everyone into singing the Jack n’ Jill anthem. « English is key for opportunity » singing leads to fluency.
The Beavers and Otters are separated while singing this is to help decipher the team who can sing the best.
Award time, we head into the second part of our Showcase.We give campers credit where it’s due by recognizing their talent and hard work they’ve put into their projects during the week.
Karl from Group (3) won the best Nature portrait in his class.
Souheyl had the best Nature Portrait in his class.
Ikké group (1) won the best Nature portrait in her group .
Nesma won best Nature portrait in her group (5)
A display of finalist ‘s Nature portraits .
Ikké group (1) won best logbook in her group .
And our finalists from each group
A display of the finalist logbooks .
Mbali (manager) alongside Idriss group (3) who had the most skips in the whole camp with 350 impressive skips.
The directrice, Mrs Caulkin is always present for the show which she takes great joy in watching. This camp’s show was one of the best !!
The runners up the Otters who did a fabulous job,
The victorious Beavers with their trophy decorated with the colours of the Beavers, in blue.
See you on our next camp – our Halloween Camp of the Toussaint holidays!!