It’s already day three! Since this is only a four day camp there is only one day left! Time flies when you are having so much fun doesnt it!
The weather was so much better that teachers and students took full advantage of the sun and stayed outside as much as possible.
I Spy with my little eye something beginning with the letter …
How convenient was it to have scheduled a nature walk on the most beautiful day of the week. Students spent time in nature learning very important vocabulary words such as: leaves, flowers, pebbles, rocks, sticks etc.
In order to review the vocabulary, students played a game called the nature scavenger hunt where teams were given instructions to find things in nature the as fast as possible and return to their seats before the other team. Find 5 yellow leaves, Find 10 pebbles etc.
Find one feather!Students discusing their strategies to communicate in English when finding the correct amount of objects.
Lets Count how many narrow leaves you got! 1, 2, 3…Students were given the opportunity to use their creativity to make beautiful nature portraits with the leaves, flowers, seeds and sand that they took back to their classrooms. Aren’t they beautiful! Students put the final touches on their logbooks. This is like a diary that allows them to recall what they did, expand their vocabulary, improve their usage of the past tense as well as encourages them to be creative.