Its already mid week and students are adding the final elements to their Easter hats. Here is group 4 standing proud with there soon to be complete hats.
Group 6 led by Mbali, improving their skipping. Students primarily learn how to count through constant repetition of numbers.
The logbooks are also being decorated under the theme of Easter. That means students used pastel colors, drew Easter eggs, bunnies and pom poms.
Group 5 completing their logbooks.
This camp, groups 5 and 6 are filming a commercial to promote their Easter chocolate. Monday and Tuesday were designated to developing the script, choosing roles and generating a list of resources necessary for the film. Filming started today and will end tomorrow.
Pictured here are students from group 5.
Groups 1 – 4 are preparing a choreography to an English song. They therefore learn how to use commonly used phrases such as stand up, grgo to the middle, go to the end, switch sides etc.
Group 4 practicing their dance routine for the show on Friday.
Today students did a revision of all they’ve learnt thus far through an activity we called the hula hoop bean bag toss. They were giving a noun adjective or verb and they threw the bean bag in their respective hoops. If they got it in the hoop they received points.
At the end of the day students sharpened their skills during the first Rounders match in preparation for the grand finale on Friday.
Go Kelly!
It’s the end of day 3 and looks like the Beavers are still dominating the competition. However, the Otters are not too far behind.