Les Meilleurs Moments 23-24


The Tuesday morning adults group enjoying the last lesson of the year.


The adults class enjoying a board game in the last lesson of the year.


The infants class sing the welcome song.
Teens class at the Coulommiers institute.



Lagny Thursday’s conversation group make Yorkshire Puddings!
Vincent celebrates his birthday in English in Lagny.


Alphabet snakes and ladders in Coulommiers.
Learning the days of the week – MS Coulommiers


Emmy found her Easter egg after following the right colour path
Emmy can now answer « What’s the day today? » And « How’s the weather? »

Ci-dessous La Foire aux Fromages Coulommiers



Such fun playing Alphabet Snakes & Ladders
Ilyes CE2 s’amuse dans la salle d’attente en attendant le debut du cours. Bravo a lui!
Alphabet snakes and ladders. Cours de CM1/CM2 le mercredi matin. Nous disons le chiffre sur le dé d’abord, et ensuite disons chaque lettre au fur et à mesure que l’on avance le bon nombre de lettres. Mais attention – si on prononce mal une lettre, on saute son tour!
Days of the week. Dario, MS.
Practising the days of the week (cours des MS le mercredi matin)
Making Christmas cards for the penpal exchange (MS)
Alex (CM) trace son chemin sur le tableau blanc interactive
Thomas a dicté son chemin aux élèves, maintenant c’est l’heure de la vérité?
Preparing for our Halloween Spooky Snap card game
Sauter sur les lettres du même group phonétique pour passer de l’autre côté de la rivière (CP – CE2)
E is coloured green. Well done Noemie!
Yliana is managing her days of the week very well
We tap out each syllable to get three for Saturday but only two for Wednesday
Decrire son dessin d’Halloween (CE2)
Heloise and her Halloween picture