Its wonderful to see some faces come back again. Some for the third time!
Le projet artistique est un panier à bon bons en papier mâché. Il va falloir des couches, et pendant qu’on applique des couches, c’est l’opportunité pour chanter…. en anglais bien sur !

Ce jour, the Baking Workshop was Witch’s Fingers. Yum Yum,
Noah very proud of his Witch’s fingers

After Baking Workshop, its time to make lunch and lunch is Devilled Spider’s Eggs for starters.

Making dinner and having fun
Making pasta carbonara
Eloise is tasting the cheese to make sure its edible !
Then we go onto the Log Book, its nice to go to the classroom to write on the interactive whiteboard all together
On a candy treasure hunt in Sunset Cottage
Once we’ve found our sweets, we put them on the table and share them out to put them into our sweetie tubs

Playing Chinese Whispers :