We kick-started our week with a run to the grocery shop. The happy campers were divided into groups and were responsible for gathering all the items on their list within a specific food category.

Here we have Laly, Leo and Louis all responsible for buying the frozen foods and drinks.

Ana definitely knows all the hard work ahead, Lina has no idea.

These three have their shopping lists in hand and are ready to go. Our two Zoes and Pierre look like they know what they are doing.

Say CHEEEEEESE…I think one person enjoyed this joke more than the other. Can you guess who?

Potatoes all around!! What do you think we will be making with these?

Fruit and Vegetables to the rescue… is that a pumpkin I see? Halloween is in full effect.

Good job Simo, a job well done to all. The shopping baskets are finally being emptied at the till.
We would never forget that this week is one of our favorite weeks HALLOWEEN WEEK! So our journey will be filled with loads of exciting things but first, it is lunch time.

This is the first of many exciting Halloween-themed meals ahead.

Dig in Noah you deserve it.

After lunch the whole camp was extremely excited by the arrivals of the ponies outside, they found it a bit hard to concentrate on the pony management teaching lesson that Ginny was presenting.

What a treat, the campers could not wait to meet these beautiful creatures.

These boys look like they know what they are doing and having fun whilst doing it too. Well done boys.

All smiles for Lina, Laly, and Kira. They are using all the skills they learned in the in pony management course that Ginny taught them.

Simon and Zoe are taking turns combing the pony’s tail. I’m loving the focus here, they look like they know what they are doing.

Spirit greeting all the happy campers. Today was a great start to our week full of activities.