It’s day two and campers are outdoors ready to apply the rules and vocabulary they learnt yesterday to good use in a game of Rounders.
Beavers cheering for their teammate.Group 1 enjoying a game of spooky snap – an activity they learn not only halloween vocabulary such as witches, monsters and ghost but also adjectives such as swooping, rattling and slimy. Student thoroughly enjoyed this activity.
In preparation for the showcase on Friday, group 1 is preparing a dance. Led by Ms. Georgia Mota, the students learning the movements through words and phrases like: Raise your hands, step right, step left, lay down, get up etc.
Looks like group 3 is also getting ready. I’m so excited.
Students practicing their skipping to beat their first score yesterday and earn 10 extra points for their teams.
Once again students end the day with a round of Monopoly.
With day 2 ending looks like the Beavers may just be taking the lead. Will the Beavers take the Trophy once again?